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Employers’ Confederation of Latvia (LDDK)

Employers’ Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) is the largest organisation that represents employers in Latvia. LDDK members employ 44% of Latvia’s employees. The LDDK was established in 1993. The LDDK is a socio-economic partner in negotiations with Parliament, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia .

The LDDK brings together and represents:

  • 114 sector leaders – companies which employ more than 50 employees;
  • 68 sector-based and regional business associations and federations;

Mission – to establish an environment that supports entrepreneurship in Latvia, facilitating the competitiveness of companies and representing employers in the framework of social dialogue at the national, European Union and international level.

Consequently, its objectives are:

  1. to represent employers at the sectoral, regional, national, European and international level;
  2. to improve the legal environment and public services in relation to businesses;
  3. to work on business environment improvement, including education system compliance to labour market needs. Vocational education is very important tool for attracting new qualified employees with vocational education to sectors for ensuring their growth.

Vilniaus Jeruzales Labour Market Training Centre

Public organisation Vilniaus Jeruzales Labour Market Training Centre (Vilniaus Jeruzalės darbo rinkos mokymo centras) is a vocational training establishment specialising in vocational training for adult people in the areas of construction, metal, transport and energy technologies. It has experience in providing vocational training for over 50 years. The Centre has around 80 employees, offers over 100 different training programmes and trains around 5000 people each year. The Centre has two stakeholders: Lithuanian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, and a private corporation Arginta Group.

The main goal of the Centre: to provide high quality vocational and other training services for adults so they can join the labour market as skilled and competent employees whose skills match the workplace requirements.

The Centre’s main services are: vocational training (formal, informal), qualification upgrade training, training and consultations in business companies, verification of self-learnt competences, health and safety training, and non-vocational training. The Centre was among the first in Lithuania to start vocational training in the form of apprenticeship.

Most popular vocational training:

  • Construction workers: concrete workers, decorators, tillers, painters, drywall installers, roofers, construction team leaders, etc.
  • Construction machinery operators (overhead cranes, truck cranes, mobile cranes)
  • Plumbers
  • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning installers
  • Welders (by electricity and gas)
  • Metalworkers
  • Electricians and gas specialists
  • Tractor and digging machine drivers
  • Drivers of various categories
  • Warehouse workers
  • Health and Safety specialists

The Centre sustains close partnership with Labour Exchange, business companies, social partners and associations of various industries. The Centre participates in creating national vocational training methodologies that ensure the quality of vocational training nationwide: vocational standards, modular training programmes and vocational verification tests. The Centre takes an active part in contributing to the development of the vocational training system and to raising its quality in the country.

The Centre has an extensive experience in implementing projects funded by the European Commission and by the Lithuanian Government. The projects embrace, to mention but few, the following topics: apprenticeship development, welding training standardisation, awareness raising of asbestos dangers,  promotion of sustainability within construction, innovation implementation in various vocational training areas.

The Institute for Training of Personal in International Organizations (ITPIO)

The Institute for Training of Personal in International Organizations (ITPIO) is a private non-profit organisation (NGO), with the status of Association, established in 2010. Members of the Association are currently more than 65 organisations: local and regional authorities; higher education institutions, IVET, CVET and adult education providers; national employers’ and employees’ organizations; NGOs active in the education field; SMEs, corporations.

The main activities of ITPIO are: research and analyses of educational and training; support to development of educational, employment and youth policies at national, regional and local level; impact assessment of funding programmes and educational and youth policies; providing of trainings, including training of educators, mediators, students; elaboration of strategic documents, concerning education, WBL process, training and youth, strengthening the dialogue between different stakeholders in all areas of social life with an emphasis on human resources development through dissemination of information, organization of trainings, discussion forums and by improving the interrelations among national, regional, local authorities and the non-governmental sector, while following the modern trends in civic society development, respecting the different positions and points of view of the key actors in society – citizens, NGOs, youth organizations, educational institutions, local and national authorities, professional associations, trade unions, enterprises.

Promotion and dissemination of common European values has been one of the main focuses of ITPIO’s activities throughout the years of its operation.

Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FEU)


The most influential association of Ukrainian business. Founded in 2002, the Federation has been successfully representing and protecting business interests both in Ukraine and internationally for 20 years. Today, FEU represents the interests of 8,500 enterprises that collectively generate up to 70% of the Ukraine’s GDP and employ about 5 million people.

FEU unites about 140 sectoral and territorial organizations of employers, representing the most important sectors of the economy of Ukraine, including: mechanical engineering, motor vehicle industry, metallurgy, aerospace and defense industry, agro-industrial complex, chemical production, IT, media, fuel and energy complex, medical and microbiological industry, construction, transportation and infrastructure, retail and logistics, light and food industry, tourism, utilities, service sector.


VISION: Federation consolidates the efforts of business of Ukraine focused on

• introduction of the best global business practices in Ukraine

• improvement of the investment climate, development of domestic high-tech production,

• creation of new and retaining of existing jobs,

• raising the status of the Ukrainian business community in the country and in the world,

• maintenance of the balance of interests of society, government and business

Basic values: leadership, openness, independence and political apathy, competence and responsibility, ethical business conduct

FEU signs on behalf of the Ukrainian employers the General Agreement and takes an active part in the social dialogue with the Government and trade unions, ensuring the legitimacy of decisions as to social and economic policy and labor relations in Ukraine made by the authorities. On the basis of FEU, about 80 advisory bodies and about 20 committees and working groups interacting with ruling establishments have been created and are working.

FEU representatives participate in and currently chair the Civil Society Platform provided by the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU in order to monitor the implementation of the provisions of the Agreement. FEU, together with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and national trade unions, is represented in the National Tripartite Social and Economic Council (NTSER) — the highest body of social dialogue in the spheres of economic, social and labor policy formation.

FEU is a full-fledged member of the International Organization of Employers (IOR), where it represents the interests of the Ukrainian business community. The World Bank, WTO, G20, IMF and other leading international organizations are the partners of the IOR.

FEU is a permanent participant in the activities and implementation of conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO). This allows the Ukrainian employers to directly participate in establishing international standards in the field of labor, employment, professional training, and social security. FEU delegates are the “voice” of the Ukrainian business at the annual ILO conference — World Labor Parliament that unites more than 5,000 delegates (representatives of governments, employers and trade unions) from 187 member states.

FEU holds regular working meetings with representatives of BUSINESSEUROPE — a non-governmental business association representing the interests of 39 national business organizations in 34 European countries.

FEU is always open to social dialogue, international partnership and cooperation. We work in order the voice of the Ukrainian business is heard in Ukraine and in the world!

Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije (GZS)

Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije (GZS) je neprofitna, nevladna, neodvisna organizacija, ki zastopa interese svojih članov (več kot 6000 podjetij iz vseh sektorjev in vseh regij Slovenije). S skoraj 170-letno tradicijo je najvplivnejša poslovna organizacija v Sloveniji in s svojimi 13 regionalnimi zbornicami in 26 panožnimi združenji ter zbornicami dejavnosti zastopa interese vseh industrijskih panog Slovenije.

GZS ima status reprezentativne gospodarske zbornice in je socialni partner vladi pri pripravi zakonodaje in strategij. S svojim strokovnim znanjem in izkušnjami na različnih področjih je podpora številnim vladnim telesom, odborom in svetom, zaradi česar je Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije ključni akter na nacionalni ravni na širokem spektru področij in tem, vključno s področjem izobraževanja odraslih, vseživljenjskega učenja in poklicnega izobraževanja in usposabljanja.

Kot socialni partner in članica Ekonomsko-socialnega sveta Slovenije se GZS skupaj s svojimi panožnimi zbornicami in združenji dejavnosti pogaja v skoraj vseh kolektivnih pogodbah v zasebnem sektorju (razen obrti). GZS je prav tako del mednarodne mreže zbornic (Eurochambres, Mednarodna gospodarska zbornica) in številnih panožnih združenj (npr. CEEMET, FIEC, …). GZS je tudi članica Evropske podjetniške zveze (Enterprise Europe Network) in EfVET.

GZS je vodila in sodelovala že v številnih evropskih projektih. Vsako leto sodeluje pri 40 do 50 projektih, povezanih z raziskavami in razvojem, podjetništvom in gospodarstvom, socialnimi vprašanji (enake možnosti, socialni dialog …) ter izobraževanjem in usposabljanjem.